I'm inviting local artists of All Skill Levels to come to my Figure Drawing Club all summer for only $10 bucks. If you are willing to tutor less-experienced artists, you can get $5 off per pupil and still have time to draw. If you haven't drawn before or want to improve your skills, pay $20 and work with a tutor at the workshop! Ever wanted to model for artists?? Here's your chance! Anyone can submit to model in the Art Storm, and on certain days you won't even need to be booked in advance. Just show up to draw, and sign up to model on a sheet like this, posted at the Club.
ArtModelPlace.com has been down for too long. Instead of rebuilding it myself using free software off the internet, I intend to hire a professional web development team to do it right, from the ground up, totally custom.
In order to do this I have launched a crowd-funding campaign. My goal is to raise $30,000. About $26,000 will go toward the site, $2,000 to pay the campaign fees, and $2,000 to be held in reserve for future marketing. www.indiegogo.com/projects/revolutionize-networking-in-the-fine-arts I need your help! First and foremost I need sponsors. If you liked the website and want to see my little Pinocchio come back as the Jolly Green Giant, I urge you to step up and offer whatever you can. If you want to sponsor the re-creation of the Art Model Place, please visit the campaign website and make a donation. $20 is great, $100 is fantastic! If you are connected in your neighborhood to any Patrons of the arts or friends who might like to support this, we need as much help promoting as possible. Share the word! Share the campaign link on your Facebook page and forward this email to anyone you think would like to help out. In order to offer prizes to people who sponsor the site and make a donation, I'm asking for contributions in the form of handmade art, crafts and trinkets. Just let me know what you want to make and how many, and I'll add it/them to the 'perks' offered in the campaign. If you want to design a logo to put on shirts or flyers, that would be great too. Got a connection for a silk-screener and cheap t-shirts to print on, even better. If you are in LA and want to help me write/film/edit a video clip for this campaign, that would be an amazing benefit. With your help, we can raise the funds needed to resurrect AMP for all time. Recap - Art Model Place is a networking site that caters to Art Models, Artists and Educators. It will provide listings of models and employers, connecting the industry like never before. Everyone who is a part of the site will have a personal profile and the ability to network with other professionals in the biz. Tools will be provided to automate and streamline the networking / booking process, as well as rating systems on the models to introduce accountability for the first time. Cost to be on the site will be extremely low, around $1 per month to make it affordable to everyone in our industry. We're only charging enough to legitimize the site and allow it to be self-maintaining... So PLEASE if you want to help with this, please go to the campaign and make a donation, start sharing the link, and email me with details of any other help you'd like to provide.
As soon as I get back from the mountain, I am launching the Art Storm. I've run a few workshops at my place this year, but I have never organized something of this scale before in my life. I'll be hosting drawing workshops three nights per week, all summer long. Most will be nude, some will be costumed. About half of them will feature two models. Who wants to work an office job? I'll be modeling at some of them, drawing at the rest. Time to practice my drawing skills!
Clearly, that isn't enough. I have a pile of other projects underway and other fields I'm looking to tap into. Things to build and things to learn. Training for movie stunts, voice and creature character work. Creating art, building websites (including this one) and starting businesses.
This summer is going to be busy with many forms of awesome. Slow summer? Heck no! We're running Model's Choice workshops multiple times per week, all summer long. MODELS pick the format! Check the details for each day because they could all be different! Model-cards will be posted, experience levels range from Amateur to Professional, and the
Options are: -Solo or Paired sessions -Nude or Costumed -Formats // Gestures-only, Progressive, Long-poses, Single-pose You can come and draw your favorite models, or pick the ones who are catering to your style of art. Recommended donations are $15 per person for single-model sessions, $20 per person for paired-model sessions. Minimum $10 for the po folks. We'll be making tons of art, so keep sharpening your skills between semesters and help support the models during their slow season. Proceeds will also go to transform the Reincarnation Station into a better art studio. We'll be building a better model stand, more drawing horses and a great lighting rig. If you've been wanting to try modeling, now might be a good time! Location: The Reincarnation Station (find it on facebook!) 2517 Pasadena Avenue Lincoln Heights, CA 90031 Stay tuned... Ashtanga Summer Program... forward flexibility training.
Classes run 10am-noon, Monday through Friday with few exceptions. Location is The Reincarnation Station, and its hot as Bikram on sunny days. Cost is now $25 per day or $100 for the week. Class size is very limited. Pardon my dust. I'll be testing every button I see for a bit, and it won't always be pretty. Things might break, but they might also be corrected before you notice. Or they might never be corrected at all. We'll call those bits abstract.